
Help Updating Listing's 'Exterior' Photo Tags

I'm trying to update/correct my property's "Property Page Score" (which is currently only 89%). One of the factors Booking.com tells me is negatively influencing my score, is that I have no exterior photos. This is untrue; I have quite a few exterior photos uploaded. When I go into the photos to try and edit their tags, I cannot find one called 'Exterior'. Does anyone know under which sub-category the 'Exterior' tag is located? Or should I just upload duplicate exterior photos to satisfy Booking.com's coding apparently not accepting that I've already done this? Thanks..

Profile picture for the user f
fluff 5 years ago

I think that's because the system is requiring you to be more accurate but in BDC speak, not ours....



select photo, select "edit tabs"

1) Property>Property building>Facade/entrance (or Other)

2) Area & facilities>.....just choose the most appropriate heading from the dropdown menu

3) Area & facilities>> Neighbourhood

4) Features> Location > On site
