
Booking number: ***


The guest booked a room on 16/04/2019, 5 min. after that, she cancelled it. as non refundable policy we made the payment as usual.

Today 26/06/2019 we have received an email from her bank rejecting this payment.

The guest contacted us as well, explaining the reasons why she has cancelled the booking 5 minutes after her reservation.

As I could check, the last invoice has been emitted and paid, So, we would like to know how can we sort this out, Unfortunately her bank does not accept a partial refund. As far as we know, we will need a credit note for this reservation (comission) and then we can proceed with the full refund to her account.

Please let me know, what option do we have.

Kind regards


Hotel St. Clair

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Thuild - Your … 4 years ago

Dear Mauro,

What you can do here is to ask BDC to provide you with a charge-back defense document.

I see that they've removed these from the Reservations tab, however these do exist and you can ask for it.

Provide that to the bank and they will revert the claim from the guest.


Zsolt - www.thuild.com