
Person In-Charge update

Dear Sir,

Good day to you.


We would like to know if there is any Person In-Charge located in Malaysia. Appreciate if we could get the contact details.


Best Regards,

Mariner Hotel Labuan


BrookAve 3 years ago





It sounds like by PiC, you actually mean where is the nearest support team to your location.


The best thing to do is use the public list of locations and phone numbers linked below and phone one of the nearest.



Reminder you cannot post actions requests or any action request on here.



Message or Call BdC PartnerSupport ***


  1. In the extranet, go to the ‘Inbox’ tab.
  2. Select ‘Booking.com messages’.
  3. Right Pane - Click on ‘See Contact Options’
  4. Choose Account
  5. Now choose Other
  6. Then at bottom , See all contact options, and click Message or Call
  7. As there is no one number for all partners, the number for your nearest BdC Partner Support is then revealed.


*** public main lines via Where you can reach us



how to contact partner support via private assigned number in inbox