
Login problem

Just finished registration and can not login because of no sms with pin code. I have tried to contact support but it is possible only if you login and I can not without pin code. there is no support in Serbia. What to do?

BrookAve 2 years ago


see option 3 - public lines below, pick any location 





You also can contact partner support via 3 methods below

Never post action requests here, no one in BdC Partner Support team nor Finance Team have visibility here.


Simply report to BdC Partner Support , see below 3 methods. They will never see any post on the Partner Hub.


Message or Call BdC PartnerSupport 


  1. In the extranet, go to the ‘Inbox’ tab.
  2. Select ‘Booking.com messages’.
  3. Right Pane - Click on ‘See Contact Options’
  4. Choose Account
  5. Now choose Other
  6. Then at bottom , See all contact options, and click Message or Call
  7. As there is no one number for all partners, the number for your nearest BdC Partner Support is then revealed.


Method 3:  *** public main lines via Where you can reach us



how to contact partner support via private assigned number in inbox

Profile picture for the user j
Jarratt - Acco… 2 years ago

Hello, if you are having trouble logging in and don't yet have access to the extranet, you will find a list of public support number numbers listed here on the Partner Hub. As you noted there isn't a Serbian number, but if you are comfortable to seek support in English, you could try calling one of the UK numbers, for example? 


Kind regards, 
