

Booking.com review system is very bad .most of the time people don't look at the information page of the booking and try to ask more services from the host or expect more services . before it was minimum 2.5 score but  now booking.com reduce to 1 .that is clearly a very bad idea for hosts. 

Some accentric people give 1.0 without knowing the name of property some people also just for chil give low score to 1.0 that is biggest unfairness with hosts and no hast is speaking against booking.com such policy.booking .com charging 1.3 percent for payment charges as well that is a huge money they are earning just only in the name of payment processing.

BrookAve 2 years ago




Just message Partner Support 


Never post action requests here, no one in BdC Partner Support team nor Finance Team have visibility here.


Simply report to BdC Partner Support , see below 3 methods. They will never see any post on the Partner Hub.


Message or Call BdC PartnerSupport 


  1. In the extranet, go to the ‘Inbox’ tab.
  2. Select ‘Booking.com messages’.
  3. Right Pane - Click on ‘See Contact Options’
  4. Choose Account
  5. Now choose Other
  6. Then at bottom , See all contact options, and click Message or Call
  7. As there is no one number for all partners, the number for your nearest BdC Partner Support is then revealed.

    *** public main lines via Where you can reach us



    how to contact partner support via private assigned number in inbox