
I need help with setting up my property for prepayments only

Hi I am new to Booking.com hosting .

I loaded my property and the bookings I have been getting seem really dodgy because for some reason booking.com won't let me charge the services as a prepayment.

They only allow me to accept payment on site because I am a new partner.

The types of people booking are people with bad credit cards that I have to cancel bookings on, and the others are people who want to book and cannot pay until they receive their pay - so they book and cannot agree to my prepayment 72hrs before arrival. 

Basically my place is attracting people who have flagged credit cards and want to pay on site and I do not want to accept payments on site.

When do I get to change my payment settings?

My site is not attracting genuine guests, rather  people who want to come and stay and pay at the venue - which I do not want.


BrookAve 2 years ago


then in that case if you cannot sign up for Payments by booking, either thell them to let you in or you are going elsewhere...


or by default you handle payments, therefore your perogative to :

  1. edit New Reservation template
  2. add in top Payment Policy - Prepaid , the process and methods available; a time limit  etc.
  3. a note that failure to prepay within the time limit will result in reservation be null and void.


a great way to void fake bookings is to :

  1. Ask for photoid within 24 hours of placing booking - Add it to the New Reservation template at top, then cancel the booking when they fail to comply.
  2. Ask for a deposit with in 2-3 days, fail to comply, cancel it.


Be creative



contact partner support via 3 methods below

Never post action requests here, no one in BdC Partner Support team nor Finance Team have visibility here.


Simply report to BdC Partner Support , see below 3 methods. They will never see any post on the Partner Hub.


Message or Call BdC PartnerSupport 


  1. In the extranet, go to the ‘Inbox’ tab.
  2. Select ‘Booking.com messages’.
  3. Right Pane - Click on ‘See Contact Options’
  4. Choose Account
  5. Now choose Other
  6. Then at bottom , See all contact options, and click Message or Call
  7. As there is no one number for all partners, the number for your nearest BdC Partner Support is then revealed.


Method 3:  *** public main lines via Where you can reach us



how to contact partner support via private assigned number in inbox