Understanding your reply score

Updated 3 months ago

Research shows that guests appreciate quick replies to their requests and messages. Partners with high reply scores tend to have lower cancellation rates and better overall review scores. Your reply score reflects how promptly you respond to guests' messages.

In this article

How we calculate your reply score

Your reply score will be visible after you receive your first ten guest messages. It’s updated daily and reflects the percentage of messages you've replied to within 24 hours for the past 30 days.

Note: If you received less than ten guest messages in the past 30 days, your reply score will be calculated based on the last ten messages you received.

We don't include messages marked No reply needed within 24 hours in the reply score calculation.

Accessing and improving your reply score

We display the reply score on the Booking.com Extranet. You can see your score in the Reservation messages section of your Inbox or the Your scores section of the Home tab.

You can improve your reply score by answering guests as soon as possible.


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